
sockMafia DAO Provider

Author: Accalia
License: MIT


MafiaDao Class

Kind: inner class of MafiaDao

new MafiaDao(connection)

MafiaDao constructor. Creates a new MafiaDao instance

Param Type Description
connection string File Path of the data store this dao will use

mafiaDao.createGame(topicId, [name], [active]) ⇒ Promise.<MafiaGame>

Create a new MafiaGame and store it in this DAO

Kind: instance method of MafiaDao
Returns: Promise.<MafiaGame> - Resolves to created game, rejects if preconditions or save state fails

Param Type Default Description
topicId number Game topic. Must be an integer
[name] string Custom name for the game
[active] boolean true Start the game in this active state

mafiaDao.getGame(game) ⇒ Promise.<MafiaGame>

Retrieve a previously created game by topicId or name

Kind: instance method of MafiaDao
Returns: Promise.<MafiaGame> - Resolves to requested game, rejects when read error occurs or game not found

Param Type Description
game number | string Game identifier.

mafiaDao.getGameByTopicId(topicId) ⇒ Promise.<MafiaGame>

Retrieve a previously created game by topicId

Kind: instance method of MafiaDao
Returns: Promise.<MafiaGame> - Resolves to requested game, rejects when read error occurs or game not found

Param Type Description
topicId number Game Topic identifier. Must be an integer

mafiaDao.getGameByChatId(chatId) ⇒ Promise.<MafiaGame>

Retrieve a previously created game by chatId

Kind: instance method of MafiaDao
Returns: Promise.<MafiaGame> - Resolves to requested game, rejects when read error occurs or game not found

Param Type Description
chatId number Chat identifier. Must be an integer

mafiaDao.getGameByName(name) ⇒ Promise.<MafiaGame>

Retrieve a previously created game by topicId

Kind: instance method of MafiaDao
Returns: Promise.<MafiaGame> - Resolves to requested game, rejects when read error occurs or game not found

Param Type Description
name string Custom game name

mafiaDao.getGameByAlias(alias) ⇒ Promise.<MafiaGame>

Retrieve a previously created game by alias

Kind: instance method of MafiaDao
Returns: Promise.<MafiaGame> - Resolves to requested game, rejects when read error occurs or game not found

Param Type Description
alias string Custom game alias

mafiaDao.load() ⇒ Promise.<Array>

Load data from disk, once.

Cache read results to remove need to fetch from disk multiple times

Kind: instance method of MafiaDao
Returns: Promise.<Array> - Resolves to read data, rejects on read error ⇒ Promise

Save DAO Data to disk

Kind: instance method of MafiaDao
Returns: Promise - Resolves when data has been written to disk, rejects wehn write error occurs

mafiaDao.toJSON() ⇒ object

Create a serializeable representation of the DAO object.

Kind: instance method of MafiaDao
Returns: object - A serializeable clone of this dao's internal data store.

MafiaDao~readData(filename) ⇒ Promise.<Array>

Read a serialized mafia configuration from disk and resolve to deserialized contents

Assumes an ENOENT error on read is okay and resolves to the empty array in this case.

Kind: inner method of MafiaDao
Returns: Promise.<Array> - Resolves to the deserialized mafia configurations. Rejects on read or parse error.

Param Type Description
filename string Filename to read

MafiaDao~saveData(filename, data) ⇒ Promise

Save serialized data to disk

Kind: inner method of MafiaDao
Returns: Promise - Resolves when data has been written, rejects on serialization or file access error

Param Type Description
filename string Filename to write
data * Data to serialize and write